Monday, July 7, 2014

Leonard Anson BONNEY: Civil War - 2 Oct 1864 Letter

2 October 1864
Nashville, Tennessee
October 2d, 1864

My dear Maria and Jennie,
I have deferred writing you from day to day in expectation receiving something to reply to, but concluding at last that your letters have been miscarried or detained, I write you with no later date from you than September 3d, to which I have already — twice — replied.
I am looking for a little more money and shall probably leave for the regiment as soon as it arrives or as I get your letters that are on the way.
I have changed to a different hospital since I wrote you — a much better one than the Post — where I have had the very best fare and would have saved several dollars if I had got here in the first place (Hospital No. 8, Ward 5). ¹ They have a “special diet” for those that need it made up of the little delicacies that nurse a weak appetite and strengthen weak digestion.
I was before the “Board of Examiners” on the 28th ult. for examination and shall be very likely to hear from it after awhile in the way of a commission, tho’ it may be some time as it generally is before it gets through all the “red Tape.”
I hear from the regiment that the 2d Lt. Co, K has been “mustered out” and the governor refuses to commission him again. This will probably promote Sgt. Bonney to 1st Lt. but the company is not quite full enough for a 2d Lt and so I suppose I shall have to take “Orderly Sgt.” awhile. If I should conclude not to do so, but let it go by me, after I go back it may be that I shall get a furlough and come home. I shall not do so unless I think it necessary for my health.
There is news stirring here about the raiders in our front that you will hear from the papers. There is no excitement nor alarm in the city and nobody apprehends any danger. The raiders are electioneering, I think, as I cannot see what other advantage they gain for their cause.
Address your letters to Atlanta after receipt of this as i shall stay here long enough to receive all the letters you may mail till you receive this date — for this place. If you should not have sent any money to me at this place other than $5 in your letter of September 3d, you may send me $5 more (or $2 in a letter) to Atlanta unless I should write you differently before i leave. I shall continue of course to write you from here till I leave and will notify you of that.
I am perfectly well now except that my bowels have become a little irregular and inclined to extremes. I think I shall come off that when I get into the field again. I shall take good care to keep in a mending way if possible, because health is everything. Take good care of yourselves and wait patiently God’s time, and we shall meet again.
God bless & preserve you. Affectionately, — S. C. McClure
¹ The Masonic Hall and First Presbyterian Church constituted Hospital No. 8 in Nashville in 1864.
View of Nashville from State Capitol;
View of Nashville from State Capitol. The First Presbyterian Church is in the distance (twin spires) and the Masonic Hall is just across the street from it.

***Leonard Anson Bonney was in the same regiment as John A. McClure. Leonard would be basically going through the same things as John A. McClure. The information in this post has Leonard Bonney identified by name. His name is in bold red letters.  However, for more information about this regiment , please go to the following website:When Duty Calls — The McClure Family Civil War Diaries & Letters

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